This breed developed in the American midwest as
a working gun dog. He may have some Irish
Water Spaniel in his background or some Curly-Coated
Retriever. Today, although seen occasionally in dog shows,
he is still a prized working gun dog, retrieving small game
of any kind.
The AWS is a medium-sized dog, standing 15 to 18
inches tall at the shoulder and weighing 25 to 45 pounds.
The dog should be in proportion and well-balanced. The
eyes are slightly rounded and may be yellow brown to
brown, hazel, or dark to harmonize with the coat. The ears are dropped and long. The coat is wavy
to curly with a weatherproof undercoat. The coat should be solid liver, brown, or dark chocolate.
The coat should be brushed two or three times per week, and the dog should be bathed every
other week. Professional grooming is recommended every six to eight weeks.
These dogs need daily exercise and playtimes. Paul Morrison of Little Brownies Kennel says,
“The breed loves to play. They will bring toys to the owner and set them in the lap to initiate play.
They will then dance around in front to encourage the owner to throw the toy.”
Although the breed standard calls for a friendly dog, some
timid dogs are seen. Early socialization is very important for
these dogs. These are quick, intelligent dogs who like to work;
they need those traits channeled productively, so early training
is imperative. Linda Ford, an AWS breeder, says, “The AWS is
easy to train but will shut down if he feels you are being unnecessarily
harsh. If trained with encouragement, he is a joy to
train.” The AWS can become protective of toys or food.
The AWS can be a wonderful family companion, although
some bond more strongly with one family member. He is good
with children when the kids treat him with respect. When
raised with other pets he is fine with them, although he should
never be trusted with birds. Some health concerns include baldness
and heart and eye problems
Occupation: Gun dog
Size: 15 to 18 in tall; 25 to45 lbs
Longevity: 11 to 13 years
Exercise: Moderate
Training: Easy; keep training fun
Grooming: Moderate
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