Saturday, 31 December 2011

Anatolian Shepherd Dog

This is an ancient breed that originated in Turkey as a
livestock guardian dog. His job was to protect the flock
from predators. Today, he is prized as a deterrent for both livestock
rustlers and animal predators of every kind.
The Anatolian is a large, impressive, powerful dog looking fully
capable of defending a flock from wolves or bears. Females should
be 27 inches tall or taller and males 29 inches tall or taller. Weight can
range from 80 to 160 pounds. The coat varies in length, from about
1 to 4 inches long. Color can vary, too, with all colors acceptable.
Grooming is not difficult at all; the coat should be brushed
twice a week.

Anatolians need daily exercise. A long walk or a nice jog beside
a bicycle will suffice. Although puppies are playful, adults are quite
serious and few enjoy games.
Gary Jakobi, President of the Anatolian Shepherd Dog Club of
America, says, “Anatolians are highly territorial and possessive of their charges, whether four-legged
or two-legged.” Although early socialization is good, and the dogs are not aggressive, it will not
change their nature. The same applies to obedience training.
This breed is very intelligent and learns quickly; however, they
were bred for thousands of years to think on their own. They
may comply with most commands, but they may also decide to
ignore commands. Someone who wishes to have an obedient,
compliant dog should not get an Anatolian.
Jakobi says, “Anatolians think of children the same way they
think of lambs—something small to be protected.” As such,
they are very tolerant but will not be a child’s playmate. They
are also good with other pets and dogs that were raised in the
family. This breed can be a good family dog for people who
truly understand what the breed is. These dogs are “hardwired”
to be who they are, and no amount of training (or anything
else) will change them. This is a healthy breed


Registries: AKC, UKC
Occupation: Guardian
Size: 27 to 29+ in tall; 80 to160 lbs
Longevity: 11 to 13 years
Exercise: Active puppy; calm adult
Training: Intelligent and independent
Grooming: Easy

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