Saturday, 31 December 2011

Australian Shepherd

The Australian Shepherd, or Aussie, is not from Australia but instead is a native of the
American West. When gold miners flocked to the American West in the 1800s, food
became scarce and sheep were imported from Australia. Basque sheep herders managed these flocks
and brought their dogs to assist them. Although the true origin of the name is unknown, most
breed experts assume that people thought the dogs came with the flocks of sheep, hence, Australian
Shepherd. The dogs became very popular with western ranchers and farmers; they were versatile,
hardy, and able to master any job required of them. Jay Sisler, a rodeo performer, brought the breed
to the public’s attention in the 1950s when his Aussies performed amazing tricks at rodeo performances.
Aussies are medium-sized dogs, with males standing 20 to 23 inches tall at the shoulder and
females slightly less. Aussies are quick, athletic, and agile and can work all day. An Aussie’s expression
is very intelligent, bright and alert, with eyes that can be brown, amber, blue, or any variation

or combination. The coat is mediumlength,
straight to wavy, with an undercoat.
The coat can be black, red, blue
merle, or red merle, all with or without
copper and white points. (The merle color
is patches of darker color on a lighter, but
not white, background.) The breed has a
docked or naturally bobbed tail.
Grooming an Aussie takes only a little
time. The coat requires brushing at least
twice weekly—more during the spring and
fall when shedding is heaviest. Tangles can
form in the soft coat behind the ears or in
the pantaloons (the hair on the back of the
rear legs). The coat requires no trimming.
A breed developed to work hard, the
Aussie needs vigorous daily exercise. A run
alongside a bicycle, a jog with you, a game
of flying disc, or a run through the agility
course can all be part of the breed’s daily
routine. Aussies also need a job, whether
it’s herding sheep, keeping track of the family children, bringing in the morning paper, or learning
tricks; Aussies need to be needed. Without exercise and a job to do, Aussies will find something to
amuse themselves. Because of this trait, Aussies rarely do well in a home where they are alone for
many hours each day.
The socialization of a puppy kindergarten class is important
for Aussies, as they are naturally reserved with strangers. As
puppies, Aussies need to meet people of all ages, sizes, and ethnic
backgrounds. Continuing training after puppy class is vital
to challenge the Aussie’s mind and to teach household rules and
good social behavior.
Aussies are excellent watchdogs, although once you’re a
friend, you will always be recognized and greeted with exuberance.
Aussie owners will never find a more loyal companion.
Aussies can be great with children, although puppies can be
quite exuberant and need to be taught how to behave. Many
children get frustrated, though, with the breed’s tendency to
herd (or circle) kids, trying to keep the kids in one spot as they
would sheep. The breed is usually very good with other pets,
although the herding instinct can be quite strong and cats rarely
enjoy being herded. Major health concerns include eye disorders,
hip dysplasia, and seizure disorders.


Registries: ASCA, AKC, UKC,CKC
Occupation: Herder, versatile farm dog, performance sports
Size: 20 to 23 in tall; 45 to60 lbs
Longevity: 14 to 16 years
Exercise: Vigorous daily exercise
Training: Easy; hard to keep challenged
Grooming: Easy to moderate

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