Saturday, 31 December 2011

Australian Terrier

A native to Australia, this tough little terrier
was bred to be versatile. Most likely
descended from Irish Terriers, Yorkshire Terriers, Cairn
Terriers, and a few other terriers who had the qualities
the settlers needed, this little dog was used to control
rodents and snakes, warn of trespassers and predators,
and at times, even tend the sheep.

The Australian Terrier is a small dog standing 10 to
11 inches at the shoulder and weighing 12 to 14
pounds. He is sturdy, with dark eyes, upright ears, and
a docked tail. His body is longer than he is tall at the
shoulder, and his coat is about 2.5 inches long. He can
be three colors: blue and tan, sandy, and red.
Grooming this breed is easy. He needs twice weekly
brushing, and you might want to trim the hair on his
paws to keep them neat. Twice a year, he needs to be
Aussies need a long brisk walk morning and evening
and a chance to hunt for critters in the yard a couple of times a day. They enjoy games, including
hide-and-seek, and some may retrieve thrown toys. Without enough exercise, they can be destructive,
and they love to dig. They should never be allowed to run off leash outside of a fenced-in yard;
these dogs have strong hunting instincts and will be off after a rabbit, squirrel, or cat in a flash.
The Australian Terrier Club of America says, “Puppy kindergarten
classes are an excellent way to socialize your new puppy
and provide you, the new owner, with guidance in helping your
new puppy become a well-trained addition to your family.”
Aussies are not bad little dogs, but instead, are active physically
and mentally and need to know what is acceptable and what is
not. The training should be firm yet fun, and should avoid too
much repetition.
The Aussie can be a good family dog if he’s kept busy. He
will tolerate children if they respect him. He is not to be trusted
with other small pets; remember, he is a hunter. This is a
healthy breed.


Registries: AKC, UKC, CKC
Occupation: Vermin hunter
Size: 10 to 11 in tall; 12 to14 lbs
Longevity: 13 to 15 years
Exercise: Vigorous daily exercise
Training: Moderate
Grooming: Easy

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