Saturday, 31 December 2011


This is an ancient sighthound breed
that has lived for thousands of years
with the cattle breeding nomads of the south
Sahara in Africa. His job has been to protect the
camp, the people in the camp, and the cattle
from predators and trespassers. Also known as
the Sahel hound, he howls and growls to warn of
intruders and, should they continue into the
camp, he will charge and can be aggressive.
The Azawakh stands 23.5 to 29 inches tall and
weighs between 35 and 55 pounds. His head is
long and thin and his muzzle even thinner. His
eyes are almond-shaped and dark, and his ears
are pendant. He is very lean; there is nothing

extra on his body. He stands square, with his body as long as it is tall. His chest is deep, with room
for a large heart and lungs. His muscles are evident under the skin. His coat is very short and thin.
Grooming this breed is very easy. The coat is very short and thin and may be brushed with a soft
bristled brush once a week.
The Azawakh is a sighthound. His long legs, deep chest, and agile body are made so he can run
with the wind. Although he can walk on a leash, he prefers to run and will need a daily run in a
safely fenced yard.
In his natural state, the Azawakh learns what to do from the other dogs in camp. Obedience
training is unnatural to him. However, when kept as a companion, even the Azawakh must learn
some rules. Early socialization and training can help him learn
to walk on a leash, to understand that all people outside his
family are not necessarily intruders, and to abide by some
household rules.
The Azawakh has often been called more catlike than doglike.
He will allow petting when he’s ready to be petted, and
although he may never come the first time you call him, you
are still vitally important to him. He can be good with children
as long as they treat him with respect, and can be trusted with
the family cat only if raised with her. The breed can suffer from
heart problems and hip dysplasia


Registries: AKC FSS, UKC
Occupation: Guardian
Size: 23.5 to 29 in tall; 35 to55 lbs
Longevity: 10 to 14 years
Exercise: Daily run
Training: Challenge
Grooming: Easy

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