Saturday, 31 December 2011

Basset Hound

The Basset Hound originated in France
(bas in French means low-set) in the
mid-1500s. The Basset was developed by friars of
the French Abbey of St. Hubert. They wanted a
slower-moving hound who could be followed by
men on foot. For centuries, the Basset was used to
track and hunt rabbits, hare, and deer, as well as
any other game that could be trailed on foot.

The Basset Hound is a large dog, of heavy bone,
with short legs. She should stand no taller than 14
inches at the shoulder, and most weigh between 40
and 60 pounds. She is powerful and has great stamina,
able to work in the field day after day. The head
is large, with very long ears and dark, soft eyes. The
chest is deep, the body is long, and the tail is carried
gaily in hound fashion. The skin is loose,
while the coat is short and may be any hound color.
The Basset’s coat is not difficult to groom; it may be brushed with a soft bristle brush twice a
week to loosen dead hair. The ears should be cleaned at least twice a week also, as the heavy ears
can get dirty.
A young, healthy Basset will have plenty of energy to go for walks or to play. Unfortunately, the
breed is prone to obesity, and as a Basset gets heavier, she also gets lazier. Bassets need exercise. A
good walk morning and evening is great, but a play session midday is also good.
Although training can be a challenge, Bassets can participate
in some canine sports, including tracking and therapy dog work.
Bassets are one of the most amiable breeds. They are good
with children, other dogs, and other pets, although Basset puppies
can be rowdy and must be taught to be gentle with children.
Bassets do not like to be alone, however; if they must be
left alone, having another dog for companionship is a good
idea. Bassets can bark and bay, which can cause neighborhood
problems. The breed has some health issues, including obesity,
back problems, hip and elbow dysplasia, eye problems, and


Registries: AKC, UKC, CKC
Occupation: Trailer
Size: No taller than 14 in; 40 to 60 lbs
Longevity: 11 to 13 years
Exercise: Calm; low energy
Training: Challenge
Grooming: Easy

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