Saturday, 31 December 2011


Packs of hunting hounds were being used in
England long before the time of the Roman invasion. However,exactly what those hounds were is unknown, although they are thought to be the distant ancestorsof the scent hounds that developed later, one of which wasthe Beagle. When fox huntingbecame popular in England in themid-1800s, the Foxhound was
developed, and one of its ancestorswas said to be the Beagle. Ataround that same time, Beagleswere gaining popularity in theUnited States, with the NationalBeagle Club forming in 1888.
Beagles are small dogs, compactand lean, with wonderfully
Expressive faces, large droppedears, and dark eyes. The short

coat, often tricolored with red or tan, a black saddle, and white on the legs, belly, and muzzle, is
soft to the touch. As a hunting scenthound, the Beagle is strong and able to follow a trail for hours
at a time. Beagles have two height categories. The smaller ones are under 13 inches at the shoulder,
and the larger are over 13 but not exceeding 15 inches.
Grooming the Beagle is not difficult; the short coat can be brushed once or twice a week with a
soft bristle brush or curry comb. The short coat does shed, although not heavily. The dropped ears
should be checked often, as they can get dirty.
The Beagle requires daily exercise. A long, brisk walk is sufficient, although these dogs also enjoy
a good run. Beagles should not be allowed to run free outside of a securely fenced yard, as theycan be easily distracted by any
scents they detect. Even welltrained
Beagles will ignore a
Come command in favor of
following an interesting scent
Training should definitely
be a part of every Beagle’s
upbringing. Although Beagles
by nature are social pack
dogs, they still need to learn
household manners. Plus,
learning to walk nicely on
leash can be a challenge;
Beagles love to forge ahead
with their noses to the
ground! However, fair yet
structured training that keeps
things fun can help Beagles
learn basic obedience skills.
Beagles are first and foremost
hunting hounds. Their
sense of smell is their most
important sense, and they
will follow it anywhere. Packs
of Beagles today compete in
hunt tests very successfully. Although their good-natured,
friendly temperament makes them appealing family dogs,
unless you understand the hound personality, you may be frustrated
by them. Hounds can be quite independent, and being
with people will never be as exciting as following the scent of a
In families where they are understood, Beagles can be wonderful
pets. They are sturdy and make great playmates for kids.
They are clean, do not have a doggy odor, and do not mind
spending time outside. As hunting hounds, they do bay, and
not all neighbors appreciate their melody! They should not be
trusted alone with small pets (they are hunters!), although they
are very social with other dogs. Beagles are, unfortunately,
prone to several serious health problems, including hip dysplasia,
hypothyroidism, dwarfism, seizure disorders, knee problems,
and reproductive disorders.


Registries: AKC, UKC, CKC
Occupation: Pack hunter
Size: Under 13 in tall and between 13 and 15 in; 15to 30 lbs
Longevity: 14 to 15 years
Exercise: Moderate tovigorous
Training: Challenge
Grooming: Easy

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